ONE OUNCE OPERA'S 7th annual call for compositions is now open!

Composers and librettists: 

Over the years, you’ve shared with us the barriers to getting your work produced – barriers we dissolve with this showcase. We know how expensive opera can be, and how hard it is to pull all the threads together on your own.

We want to be your launching pad. Your amplifier. Your champion.

We’d like to formally invite you to submit work to our 7th Annual Fresh Squeezed Ounce of Opera Competition. If selected, your piece will be produced and performed by One Ounce Opera in the “Live Music Capital of the World,” Austin, Texas.

In addition to having your works produced, fully staged, promoted, and performed in Austin by a cast of professional singers, One Ounce Opera:

  • Gifts each composer/librettist with a professionally-edited live video and audio recording of their work from a live performance
  • Spotlights winning composers/librettists in posts that include links to your website, your bio, and questions from the cast
  • Highlights selections in our newsletter, on social media, and in press releases
  • Acknowledges each composer/librettist who is able to attend, and invites you to share in pre-and-post-show events where you will be our guest(s) of honor.
  • Provides a performance fee for each winning work

This will be the 7th annual Fresh Squeezed Ounce of Opera (FSOO) – the premier short opera showcase of Texas. The popular, award-nominated event celebrates new works and contemporary voices. Creators who identify with a historically underrepresented group (women, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, etc.) are highly encouraged to apply.

Apply for the 7th annual FSOO


Where can I see the official rules for the FSOO competition? Complete guidelines appear on the entry form.

TL;DR: micro-operas with minimal dialogue running less than 30 minutes, written within the past five years, with piano accompaniment, in English or Spanish, and no more than five characters.

The application link is live between May 15-August 15, 2024. Please review the rules in detail before submitting any work. Works that do not fit within the guidelines will not be considered.*

When are the performances? FSOO is currently scheduled for early spring 2025.

Where do you stage the shows? One Ounce Opera typically transforms unexpected spaces – like warehouses and bars – for opera performances. No matter where we perform, the vibe is purposefully laid back, accessible, and inclusive.

Will you perform my work with orchestra? FSOO performances are with piano only. We will perform from your piano/vocal score, so make sure it’s performance-ready before submitting.

Am I allowed to submit more than one work? YES! As long as each submitted work follows the guidelines of the competition, we welcome multiple entries. Guidelines can be found on the form.

I submitted more than one opera. Could they BOTH be chosen? YES! However, it is highly likely that only one would be chosen.

You guys have chosen my work before. Could I enter again this year?  YES. Past winners are welcome to submit new work.

How will I know if my work was chosen? Winning works will be announced with posts on our social media channels and a post on this site, and the winners will be contacted directly shortly thereafter. Copies of all parts and any revisions will be due at that time. 

How do I keep up with any new developments in the competition? For the latest details, we strongly suggest following One Ounce Opera on Facebook, and adding yourself to the Facebook event page. We will add you to our FSOO newsletter, as well (or add yourself)!

Once again, when exactly is the deadline?  The hard-and-fast deadline for entry into FSOO is 11:59pm on September 15, 2024. Only complete applications — with all required materials received as requested by the deadline — will be considered.

I have a question not answered here. How do I get in touch? Click here to send us a message about the competition!

*Note: the competition in 2024-25 is for short operas only. Art songs and song cycles are not being reviewed this fiscal year.

Searching for past performances, photos, or videos? Visit our Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram for archives of our work.

This project has been financed in whole or in part by the City of Austin’s Elevate Grant Program and the Live Music Fund.