One Ounce Opera Production Company is a 501(c)3 designated nonprofit organization. Every cent given supports our mission, local singers & artists, and the diverse programming you love.
Become a part of the One Ounce Community and support accessible, diverse, connective programming with a one-time or monthly gift today!
Thanks to I Live Here I Give Here for being our preferred donations partner. Simple, secure, and local!
Spread your love throughout the year! Here’s how to set up monthly giving:
- Click on the link below to visit our I Live Here I Give Here page
- Put in your monthly donation amount
- Click “Make this a recurring gift” and choose how often and when you’d like the donation amount to be remitted.
- Complete the donation!
A few key ways your donation will be put to use:
- Funding FREE performances for those who might not otherwise have access. OOOPC is committed to offering super-affordable (or free) admission to all performances, in service of our community.
- Space rental, both for rehearsals and performances.
- Costumes, props, set pieces, lights, projections, and the many talented folks that design and direct different creative aspects of our productions.
- Administrative support, including website maintenance/rebuild.
- The singers and production staff! We love our talented team, and we know you do, too!
- CREATION, workshops, and implementation of exciting new programming, like the award-winning “Fresh Squeezed Ounce” series.
- RECORDINGS! Your gifts allow One Ounce to reach audiences worldwide with professionally-produced video and audio!
Thank you in advance for your generosity. We wouldn’t exist without your support!