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Featured stories and live performances about One Ounce Opera have been seen on KVUE Austin, TWCNewsAustin (now Spectrum), and heard on KMFA Classical 89.5, KUT, KUTX 98.5, KOOP and KVRX 91.7.
- Article by Jeanne Claire van Ryzin from the Austin American-Statesman previewing Inaugural Fresh Squeezed Ounce of Opera 4/16
- Exclusive interview of ED Julie Fiore for the series “On the Edge” KMFA Classical blog 3/16
- A radio segment featuring an interview with TBITB creator Michael Nesline by Judlyne Gibson on her show Staccato, aired on KMFA. 10/2015
- Blog post and interview with ED Julie Fiore by W.A. Brenner in the Austin Chronicle, “Austin’s One Ounce Opera vs. Nickelback”
- OOO performing live on Adventures in Sound on KOOP with host Dennis Campa before “Jackass Opera Auction” in late September, 2015. (audio coming soon)
- OOO performing excerpts from “Beerthoven” with Daniel Swayze on air at KMFA Classical 89.5. Produced by Jeffrey Blair. 10/2014
- OOO performance and interview for Kids Recording Kids on KMFA Classical 89.5. Recorded June 2014. OOO’s portion begins at 42:12. Program air date: 9/19/14
- An archive from “Nuts and Bolts” – a live on air interview/guest DJ spot with Joel Zigman, KVRX 91.7 12/9/13 (One Ounce also appeared on “Nuts and Bolts” before Listening Garden II on March 10, 2014).
- Radio interview about “Mozart Murder Mystery” and the second season with John Aielli, KUTX 98.9 (Eklektikos), 8/20/13
- Executive Director Julie Fiore was interviewed by Judlyne Gibson for her show “Staccato” on KMFA Classical 89.5. August 2012 and August 2013.
- OOO has been live on air with Dennis Campa of “Adventures in Sound” four additional times: 8/18/12, 10/26/12, 12/15/12, and 8/17/13.